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Private Consulting Work


Independent coastal engineering analysis of coastal erosion, sand bypassing, and dredge materal placement for Town of Jupiter Island, FL


Expert witness from 2008-2013 analyzing extreme waves, wave crest elevations, and wave-structure interaction in Hurricane Rita, for Apache Corporation, Houston, TX


Wind-wave analysis and design alternative analysis for new fishing boat harbor, Seward Marine Industrial Center, Seward, Alaska, for R&M Consultants, Anchorage, AK


Expert witness for floating breakwater failure and marina impacts, Anchorage, AK


Independent Technical Review, Calcasieu River and Harbor Navigation Improvement, Lake Charles, LA, for Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH.


Expert witness for State Farm Insurance Company from 2007-2009 in more than 35 Hurricane Katrina cases involving insurance claims related to flood, wave, or wind effects in Mississippi


Expert witness for erosion impact associated with dredging of

navigation channel, Morehead City, NC


Expert witness involved in court-supervised mediation regarding

relocation of revetment, Annapolis, MD


Investigation of beach profile variability for storm water outfall design, 

for URS Corporation, Virginia Beach, VA


Third-party review of marina failure and proposed floating breakwater,

Cliffside Marina, Whittier, AK


Peer review of “Recommended Residential Construction for the Gulf Coast,” FEMA 550, for URS Corporation, Arlington, VA


Expert witness, investigation of storm water outfall failure, Virginia Beach, VA, for Greeley and Hansen, Richmond, VA


Independent investigation of coastal erosion impact of Canaveral Harbor on Brevard County, Florida  beaches, for Offshore and Coastal Technologies, Inc, Avondale, PA


Expert witness on ship generated waves and shoreline impacts, Marlborough District Council, Blenheim, New Zealand;  testified in New Zealand Environment Court



Review of beach management practices, for Beach Authority, Republic of Mauritius.


Investigation of debris impact loads during floods, for

American Society of Civil Engineers


Peer review of FEMA’s “Coastal Construction Manual,”

for Greenhorne and O’Mara, Geenbelt, MD


Development of partial safety factors for wind and floods

on coastal buildings, for American Society of Civil Engineers



Independent review of Beachfront Management Program,

forSouth Carolina Dept of Health and Environmental Control,

Columbia, SC


Development of Northeaster Risk Index, for Delaware Emergency Management Agency and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Dover, DE


Peer review of methodology used to establish Coastal Construction Control Line, for Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, FL


Independent review of Barrow Beach Nourishment Project, for North Slope Borough Science Advisory Board, Barrow, AK


Developer of EDUNE numerical model for simulating beach and dune erosion associated with hurricanes and northeasters. Numerical model widely used in state agencies and private engineering firms for evaluating erosion hazards due to hurricanes.


Sponsored Research Work


Investigation of sea level rise and coastal flooding probabilities, for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Development of simplified "energy method" for predicting overland tsunami flow characteristics, for American Society of Civil Engineers


Development of FILSIM model for probabilistic analysis of beach fill longevity, for US Army Corps of Engineers


Independent Technical Review, Unalaska Floating Breakwater, for US Army Corps of Engineers, Unalaska, AK


Development of design methods for timber wave screens, for U.S. Coast Guard


Analysis of partia; depth vertical wall near Mississippi River outlet, for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Investigation of tidal flushing for proposed small boat harbor at Akutan, AK, for for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Development of simplified method for predicting ship generated waves, for Naval Facilities Engineering Command


Passing vessel effects in shallow water, Phase 1 parallel passing configuration, Phase 2 perpendicular passing configuration, for Naval Facilities Engineering Command


Berthing loads of vessels approaching open and closed piers and wharves, for Naval Facilities Engineering Command


Physical model tests on the Mobile Offshore Base, a large semisubmersible platform, for Naval Facilities Engineering Command




The following is a partial listing of projects completed by Dr. Kriebel either as a private consultant or as part of his research work.

Hurricane Katrina wind versus wave analysis

Ship wave analysis in Marlborough Sound, New Zealand

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